Two Weekends, and the Reasons for my online absence

Two weekends back, we drove out to a rescue shelter a few hours out of Brisbane and adopted ourselves a cat. She’s going by the name Admiral Coco Marshmallow Flerkin-Wittingstall, and seems determined to win us over with the deployment of weaponised cuteness:

The week that followed was a mad dash to make the cat at home in our small flat, either accumulating new things for a feline co-resident or upgrading things we’d underestimated.

After nearly fifteen years of being pointed about not owning a cat in my long form author bio, it’s time to update and admit that I’m finally a pet person.


The weekend just gone, I headed off to the State Library to volunteer for GoPlay, Brisbane’s resident Tabletop RPG and Board Game convention:

It was my first convention of any kind since the last GenreCon, and my first gamer-specific convention in over a decade. It was nice to catch up with a bunch of people, meet some new folks, and to see how these events have changed in recent years.

Almost all of these are for the better: the venue is definitely nicer, there’s a much greater focus on inclusion, and the vaguely awkward RPG-games-as-competetion thing that ended in awards ceremonies has largely fallen by wayside.

The downside, of course, is that I’ve been away from the gaming scene so long that I no longer recognise 90% of the games on offer once you move past “D&D” and “Feng Shui.”

Picture of PeterMBall


Peter M. Ball is a speculative fiction writer, small press publisher, and writing mentor from Brisbane, Austraila. He publishes his own work through Eclectic Projects and works as the brain in charge at Brain Jar Press.

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