Tag: WIP Excerpts

Works in Progress

A short post

Last night I dreamt that I took three months off my dayjob and wrote things. I don’t remember what they were, but I remember the writing. Most of it took place in a bathtub. All in all, it was a good dream. In reality, I’ve spent the day trying to commit acts of short story and, for the most part, failing. I’ve been meaning to write this story for a long time, near on two years, largely ’cause this scene gets stuck in my head: We were seated in a McDonalds, occupying a pair of hard plastic seats with a two-person table between us and the window overlooking the playground on my left. There were kids in the playground wearing soccer uniforms, these black and gold jerseys with numbers on the back, and their shrieks rattled the glass as they darted back and forth. It was a Saturday morning, eleven-forty-three AM. I was eating a cheeseburger. We were meant to

Works in Progress

Billboards, Peaches, & WIP Excerpts

This morning I once again started the day with music and dancing, although I substituted PJ Harvey for Peaches The Teaches of Peaches album, which is a slightly different mood to start the day with and one that’s much more likely to irritate your neighbors. Yesterday I had a phone call from my father which started along the lines of “yes, well, I can see how PJ Harvey would wake you up in the morning.” Apparently he googles bands when I mention them on my blog, just to get some idea of what I’m listening too. So, for my dad and anyone else following my music taste online, I’m going to recommend *not* googling Peaches while at work. I mean, you can if you want, but I’m taking no responsibility when you find yourself singing Fuck the Pain Away beneath your breath while other people are in earshot. Should you not wish to take my warning, I recommend Youtube. The clip