Tag: Linkfest

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

Today is one of those “living in the future is damn cool” kind of days. Case in point: Y Can’t Tori Read (aka the eighties incarnation of Tori Amos) – I saw this clip on Rage once, in the very wee hours of the morning, and found it amusing given the direction Amos’ career took in afterwards. Today marked the second time I’ve seen its entirity, but I looked for it for a long time when I was a Tori Amos fan in my early twenties. The closest I got, after catching it on Rage, was seeing the vinyl single when I was walking past an intimidatingly cool record store in Fortitude Valley (I didn’t go in). Then I saw the new Tori Amos album in the shops this week, remembered the existence of the eighties Tori, and thought “I bet that’s on youtube.” And lo, there it was. I would have killed for youtube in my early twenties.

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

Today we have The Unicorns singing I Was Born a Unicorn. Tangentially driven though it may be, I’m sure y’all are smart enough to be making the connection as to why I’ve been humming this song all week.

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

Yesterday I was driving around and I heard the new Regina Spektor single on the radio (not the song, “On the Radio”, that I’ve elected to post here. A different song. On the radio). That means a new Regina Spektor album’s on the way and this brings me joy.

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

I’ve been thinking about my obsessive love of cover-versions this week, and near as I can tell this was the first cover I ever recognized as both a) a cover and b) far more awesome than the original.

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

Because, seriously, how are you living your life without a regular injection of the Spazzys?

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

It is Friday. I have a hankering for some Sonic Youth. I blame the Gilmore Girls. And, no, that’s not a random non sequitur – for a fluffy, family-friendly show the Gilmore Girls is loaded with Sonic Youth references (and occasional guest stars).

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Bonus Youtubery

Because it’s the day for it, really.

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

One of those days where I changed my mind at the last minute, and thus shot myself in the foot when it came to actually having something to say about it. What needs to be said about the Sisters of Mercy apart from “sometimes you just need go get your goth on”?

Works in Progress

Claw Update

Claw Draft Projected Total: 25000 Total Words to Date: 4642 Words Done in Previous 24-hour Period: 879 (Was all prepared to angst about this, then realised it’s nine more words than yesterday) Deadline: April 30th Reasons to Squee: Chapter Two is done. Chapter three introduces a character I hadn’t planned for, but is proving to be fun. Made many notes on fixing the awkward bits of Chapter two as well. Reasons to Wail: You know what? Not much today. All is well in my writing world. Non-Novella Writing: Wrote about four-thousand words of short-story draftage last night (yet another reason not to angst over today’s wordcount), and finally finished the draft of my post-apocalyptic-dragon-cyberpunk-western story. Given this is one of those ideas that I’ve been throwing around for a year or two now without ever finalising it, I find myself very happy. Things worth checking out: Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s Freelancer’s Guide (In progress and published on-line as it goes along).

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

I’d kinda made a promise to myself that I’d stop posting Amanda Palmer/Dresden Dolls clips on Fridays, since I’m aware that I do it quite a bit. It isn’t really intentional so much as a reflection of my tendency to be very focused on one band for a few years – there’s a period in my late teens where I had the same kind of thing going with REM and the Cure, a time in my early twenties where there was ungodly amounts of Primus and Korn*, and now I seem to have caught the Dresden Doll’s bug (although it may yet turn into a long-term obsession, in much the same way that I never quite lost my obsessive fanboyishness of Nick Cave). Anyway, yes, I keep telling myself to hold back on the Amanda Palmer clips. I think, by now, you’ve all more-or-less caught onto the fact that I regard the band as awesome wrapped in greatness and delivered

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Friday Youtubery

Because it’s been a Flash Gordon kind of week, this week. Rewatched the movie, watched the Sci-Fi channel series from last year (so by-the-numbers it hurts, but watchable regardless), and re-read some comic collections I had around the house. Also because Autumn is coming, and Queen’s bass player reminds us all of the horrible crimes committed when one picks the wrong sweater in the morning.