On Getting My Groove Back & The Clarion South Donation Drive

I’ve sent off three four submissions in the past 48 hours. I’ve done a rewrite of an old story that I’ve kinda figured out how to finish. I’ve cooked meals. I’ve washed up. I’ve forced myself to query some submissions where responses have obviously gone awry (I hate querying; it makes me feel needlessly pushy). I’ve done pro-active things on a bunch of little projects. I’ve cleaned out my e-mail backlog until there’s only a handful of things left to answer. There are the beginnings of new stories. Tomorrow, if the small change in my bag blesses me with enough space to hit the laundromat, there will even be wishing.

There is a groove, and I’ve almost got it back. Let’s see how I’m doing by this time tomorrow.

Of course, in cleaning out the backlog I was reminded, yet again, that I hadn’t posted this all public-like. With that in mind:

Due to a run of really bad luck, Clarion South Writers Workshop has hit
some rocky financial times (not unlike the rest of the world!) For the
month of March, we are running a fundraising appeal to help set us
straight again and ensure future workshops continue. We hope to get to
$4000by 31 March 2009.

There are a few ways you can help…

1. Donate to our Fundraising Appeal
Simply go to http://www.clarionsouth.org/donate.htm to make a PayPal
donation directly to Clarion South.

We really do appreciate even tiny donations, and if you are not in a
position to give, that is perfectly okay. We know it’s grim out there
for everyone right now.

2. Spread the word
Even if you can’t donate to the Appeal we would love your support to
spread the word about our fundraising drive. By the end of March we are
hoping to raise $4,000 for Clarion South. If you know any friends who
are sympathetic to the aims and activities of Clarion South, please let
them know – via Facebook, MySpace, your blog or any other means. We’ll
have a Facebook group up shortly, but in the meantime, please feel
free to direct people to our website at http://www.clarionsouth.org

And if you’re just wondering what the heck Clarion South even is,
meander on over to our website at http://www.clarionsouth.org

Thank you in advance for your love and support. We’re incredibly
passionate about Clarion South and would like to see it thrive and
continue into the future. Your contribution can help make this a

At time of posting I’d heard that they were a third of the way to their goal, which is good new to the future spec-fic writers of Australia (and the world, as my American peeps who flew south for Clarion continue to prove).

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