Day: March 12, 2009


On Getting My Groove Back & The Clarion South Donation Drive

I’ve sent off three four submissions in the past 48 hours. I’ve done a rewrite of an old story that I’ve kinda figured out how to finish. I’ve cooked meals. I’ve washed up. I’ve forced myself to query some submissions where responses have obviously gone awry (I hate querying; it makes me feel needlessly pushy). I’ve done pro-active things on a bunch of little projects. I’ve cleaned out my e-mail backlog until there’s only a handful of things left to answer. There are the beginnings of new stories. Tomorrow, if the small change in my bag blesses me with enough space to hit the laundromat, there will even be wishing. There is a groove, and I’ve almost got it back. Let’s see how I’m doing by this time tomorrow. Of course, in cleaning out the backlog I was reminded, yet again, that I hadn’t posted this all public-like. With that in mind: Due to a run of really bad luck,