Cold Snap

It’s cold in Brisbane this week and I’m not sleeping as well as I should be. Large chunks of today were spent fighting to stay focused, which is much less fun than it used to be. I’ve been watching the first season of In the Thick of It between stints at the keyboard and suddenly find myself looking at Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who in a whole different light.


Last week, I removed the Facebook app from my phone and slid the Kindle app into the space the Facebook icon used to occupy. Not because I’m abandoning Facebook at all, but I was trying to disrupt the habit of using the House of Zuckerberg to kill time.

It’s turned out pretty well, so far. The time I used to spend scrolling through the same items in my feed is now spent reading short fiction, clearing the backlog of magazines I subscribed to via Weightless Books. The last few days have been devoted to working my way through the latest issues of Uncanny and Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, which is a whole lot more short fiction than I normally get through in the space of a week.

More to explorer

And Now We Are Forty-Eight

It’s the eighteenth of March here in Australia, which means I’ve just turned another year older. We’re still fixing things up after

What is Author Platform, Really?

I recently offered GenrePunk Ninja subscribers a list of options for a series of deep dive entries, and got them to vote

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