Category: Works in Progress

Works in Progress

More Wordcounting

So last night, in a fit of mild insomnia, I busted out a bunch of words and managed to make Yesterday a productive day.  Then I engaged in the sport that girliejones has dubbed Horn-spotting. Then my internets went wonky, so I went back to bed. Anyway, for the record: I’m tempted to try and hit 50k today, although given that it’s almost lunchtime and I’m yet to write anything (and the house needs cleaning prior to an inspection tomorrow) that may be a tad too ambitious.

Works in Progress

Black Candy Progress

My life seems to be settling into a comfortable word-count routine again, which is good news in terms of getting the novel draft finished but somewhat crap in terms of interesting blogging. I have noticed how much easier this whole novel-writing-thing is when you actually have a midpoint to the story – perhaps the first real tangible sign I’ve had that this whole planning thing (even in the minuscule levels of planning that I’m doing) is likely to work for me. I actually caught myself thinking “36,000 words, that’s nothing” as I looked over the notes last night. Slowly but surely the writer-brain is finally catching up with the ambition. Today there will be writing, followed by marking, followed by Death Race if time allows. And if all that gets done before eleven o’clock tonight, there may even be a few hours spent tinkering with the Claw draft.

Works in Progress

Doin’ Stuff

Yesterday I shaved off the scraggly neck-beard I’ve been sporting since Conjecture, cracked my knuckles, and proceeded to write like a furious writerly-thing until I hit the 30k mark on the Black Candy draft. Then I discovered – joy of joys – that I’d written myself up to the point where the narrative reconnected with the middle of the novella-length draft/outline I’d written last year, allowing me to cut/paste/edit the next 10,000 words without too much difficulty. Net result: ‘Tis a horrid, splotchy, unreadable mess, this draft of mine, but it is halfway done and actually feels halfway done in terms of narrative. Which is something of an evolution for me, because the last time I hit this point in a novel draft I was still trying to figure out exactly where the story was going. Maybe I will get the hang of this novel-writing thing one of these days. Of course, being a horrid over-achiever, I then wandered off

Works in Progress

Horn Review

It appears we have the first review of Horn live on the internets, courtesy of Meanwhile I’m peeling myself off the couch after three straight days of Veronica Mars DVDs and trying to figure out how to get back to work. My current to-do list: Black Candy draft, Clawredraft, third Miriam Aster novella draft (since I now have a plot for it), short story redrafting, marking of student assignments. I suspect what I really need to do is the latter, since it’s going to have the most psychic drag associated with it, but I do so hate the marking process…

Works in Progress

Ineffective Panic Stations

This week I’m bringing the crazy in a big, big way. Not that I noticed, at first. It just crept up on me and mugged me while I wasn’t looking, and it wasn’t until I found myself re-arranging the furniture in my bedroom at two am on Monday morning that I realised what was really going on – uncertainty stress. I tend not to think of myself as a control freak, but there’s an interesting pattern to the way I react to big ol’ globs of uncertainty. Stage one seems to revolve around a kind of mental explosion during which I start a series of low-reward, low-effort projects that serve very little purpose beyond shoring up my self-esteem. Stage two revolves around asserting control over my physical environment (or day-dreaming about it) – rearranging furniture or bookshelves is a big indicator, as is hitting real estate agent websites and researching the possibilities of making a big move interstate. Stage three

Works in Progress

I’m sure I had a groove around here somewhere, if only I could find it…

Before anything else: if you haven’t read XKCD today, you really should. Given that I’ve spent the majority of today writing, the comic promises to be both entertaining and amusing in ways I cannot. Not much else to report, really. This afternoon was spent trying to reconnect with the Black Candy novel draft in an effort to stop myself from either a) hating it, b) mentally re-writing the plot, or c) actually rewriting things from the beginning in a different POV in an effort to fix the problem. The latter is particularly tempting, but I’m currently placing my trust in the awareness that it’s at least 90% panic-driven. My gut is not to be trusted when writing at novel lengths (at least, not yet). Now I get to head off and do some work on Claw before turning in for the night.

Works in Progress

Ah, yeah, that’s right, writing…

I’m having one of those “rebuild your process” kind of weeks where I remember how this writing thing actually works. That includes some long-delayed redrafting of Claw in an effort to produce an “other people can actually read this one” kind of draft. I’m back to remembering my issues with the first scene: so much back story, so little desire to explain it in one long dump. Things would be easier if I wasn’t dead-set on starting the story with a fight between the detective and the talking cat, but I like that opening a lot and it does something different to the opening pages of Horn. There’s a taste of the current (re-written) opening behind the cut, warts and all, for those who are curious:

Works in Progress

Black Candy Update

Black Candy Draft Projected Total: 80,000 Total Words to Date: 19,345 Words Done in Previous 24 48-hour 12 Days:11,057 (although some of that was scenes I’d pre-written and stitched into this draft) Deadline: July 23rd As you may have deduced from the lack of updates recently, this week was full of badness – day job issues, contracts evaporating without warning, and the general financial angst of being marginally employed all combined to ensure that the most productive thing I’ve done for the last three days was pull my lazy butt of the couch and go shopping. Fortunately the ever-awesome Angela Slatter was heading around for a writing session this morning  and I wrote about two and a half new words between cooking lunch, chatting about writing, and eating chocolate. Interestingly I’m more-or-less on-track when it comes to the plot-to-wordcount layout I had in my head that said twenty-K was the end of the first act (and it is, more or less,

Works in Progress

Black Candy Update

Black Candy Draft Projected Total: 80,000 Total Words to Date: 8,288 Words Done in Previous 24 48-hour Period: 2,037 Deadline: July 23rd Spent twenty-four hours wibbling over what I’d done, trying to work my way into the project. Cut what I’d done for the second chapter (not deleted, just cut away for the moment and set aside until I hit a narrative beat where the events feel more appropriate), then spent the last twenty-four re-starting the chapter from scratch. Much happier this time around, even if it does give me negative progress on the wordcount. I predict this will happen a couple of times in the drafting process for this one – I’m sufficiently clueless about what I’m doing that I’ll happily rewrite and expand upon existing scenes from the novella-length-draft without realising that they shouldn’t be happening yet.

Works in Progress

New Project Update

Meet the new project du jour destined to occupy my evenings: Black Candy Draft Projected Total: 80,000 Total Words to Date:9,466 Words Done in Previous 24-hour Period: 609 Deadline: July 23rd Yep, I’m taking another stab at the problem dubbed “Peter Doesn’t Have a Finished Novel.” This became the most likely candidate because I have a basic outline of what happens (care of the sketchy-novella-length draft I wrote at the start of 2007) and it’s total comfort-zone writing (Noir SF with squicky sex). I may have overburdened this with to many ideas for it to actually work as a novel-length MS, but I figure it’s the best starting point I’ve got to get a feel for writing at that length.

Works in Progress

Claw Update.

Went away after the last post, wrote 898 words, then realised I was done. The net for Draft One is 20,799 word, and there is a part of me that’s still kind of shocked that I’ve written something that long. I don’t do long that often, and I can still remember two years ago when writing the 10k novella for my AHWA Mentorship was a long, drawn-out battle to get words on the page; when I look back and realise that this has all been done in less than a fortnight, it freaks me out. I can safely say without looking at it that this is one of the most god-awful draft I’ve ever written, full of random asides and irrelevant scenes that aren’t going to make any sense to anyone who isn’t me. Which is okay, really, because I’m slowly starting to figure out that this is going to be the process I end up using for novellas (or,

Works in Progress

Claw Update

Claw Draft Projected Total: 21,000 (which will probably expand out to 25,000 next draft) Total Words to Date: 19, 881 Words Done in Previous 24-hour Period: 3236 Deadline: April 30th So close to the end, and yet I find myself paused but a thousand words (and one scene featuring the reconciliation of the hard-boiled detective and her possessed Russian Blue sidekick) from being able to say the draft is done. I had a significant bout of insomnia last night which left me crabby and unfocused for much of the morning, then a family visit this afternoon for lunch and coffee and cake and chocolate. I’m about to go wash up, have a shower, and rug-up in bed to do the last 1000 words of the draft before having an early night. Which is good, ’cause I have to write a lecture tomorrow. As well as notes on the next drafting project which will occupy this space in the blogging schedule