Category: Stuff


Eight Topics I’m Obsessed With At the Moment

The things I am most obsessed about tend to influence the content on this blog in strange ways. I never set out to blog about them specifically, but they colour every interaction I have with other people, and it is frequently a question or idea that someone else puts out there that sparks a moment of confluence and, lo, a blog post appears. With that in mind, I figured I’d put this out there: a list of the current obsessions that are guiding my work over the next few months. The list is constantly evolving – some are long-term obsessions that lie at the very heart of my identity, while others are brief flings – but they all shape my method of engaging with the world in strange ways. 1) ART AND COMMERCE We’ve spent centuries telling people that art isn’t commerce and that’s filtered down into every aspect of the way we talk about art, writing, and creativity. For someone


Morning Shift

So this is pretty much how my morning went: Peter gets up fifteen minutes before his alarm goes off at 6:00 am Peter sits down to write a half-hour ahead off schedule Peter finishes the 1,300 goal he set for his morning writing shift forty-five minutes early. Peter wombles around the internet for ten minutes, then realise everyone else is asleep or on their way to work. Peter gets bored. Peter goes back to writing. And that, folks, is why I’ve missed getting up early to get writing done. It wasn’t possible for much of the last year, courtesy of the apnea and my tendency to sleep through alarms, so I gradually cut back my morning writing to a bare minimum of getting up a half-hour early and getting a couple of hundred words done (and, even then, there were mornings it didn’t happen). It’s nice to be back. # Speaking of things coming back, tomorrow night will see the


25/25/25 at Queensland Writers Centre

So let’s be clear: I work for Queensland Writers Centre. I’ve been there since mid-2011. I’m also a member of Queensland Writers Centre, and have been since some time in the mid-nineties. I think it’s an important support mechanism for Queensland writers, but I can, understandably, be accused of bias. To mark the 25th Anniversary of QWC, the organisation is launching a Scholarship and Access fund to help provide funding and travel support to writers who wouldn’t ordinarily get a chance to access QWC programs. We’re inviting members and non-members alike to get involved and help foster the future of Queensland writing with the 25/25/25 crowdfunding campaign, which includes a diverse range of awards (including some that are highly GenreCon focused). If you’ve got a few bucks to spare and you care about writing or reading, please donate.


Is Thumbalina Size 10 on a Wednesday?

Two hours at the keyboard this morning; 784 words written on Frost. Not quite the level of productivity I’m hoping for from this routine, but there’s a level of exponential growth happening as I settle in. If I can jam out a thousand words on Friday (aka my only remaining day this week that gets shared with the day-job), I’ll dub the changes to my work schedule a success. Unpacking goes well, at the new place. It’s slowed down a little now, ’cause I’ve been here long enough that all the boxes containing books have been emptied and placed on shelves, which means there’s an awful lot of oh, right, that. I really wanted to read that six months back and couldn’t find it. And then I’ll find myself on the couch, book in hand, until I’m lost in story and my alarm goes off to alert me that it’s time to go to bed. The biggest find thus far has been