Category: Status


A Delivery From the Printer (14 March 2023 Status)

The long-delayed delivery from my printer arrived yesterday and I finally got the chance to see both issues of Eclectic Projects side-by-side for the first time. In a lot of ways, these magazine issues are my platonic ideal of a book: 80 to 100 pages, self-contained, with a standardised design creating unity as things progress. Individually, the issue doesn’t seem like something of value, but stack two issues together and they become interesting objects. Stack twelve together, and they’ll like like an impressive body of work. In other news, we’re on the countdown to my Birthday on the 18th and the anniversary of my father’s death on the 19th, and I’ve hit the traditional stretch where my mental health is wobbly. Taking it very easy on myself this week, and reminding myself that it’s not the week to be making big decisions. ON THE DOCKET Off to catch up with my weekly Write Club crew this morning, followed by an


The Exodus of Boars (11 Mar 2023 Status)

As ever, you can read the story over at Patreon for as little as a buck a month—which gets you all thirty-eight of the stories thus far—or grab it when it comes out in a forthcoming issue of the Eclectic Projects magazine. ON THE DOCKET Today is an admin and chores day, where I run the profit and loss for the last few months and figure out what the next three months will look like. It wouldn’t be a lie to say February was grim from a publishing point of view—it’s not my best sales month at the best of times, and selling books is a lot harder when the economy is bad—and the teaching/mentoring income definitely shored up the weaknesses on the publishing side of the business. March promises to reverse that trend, thanks to the duel release of Bites Eyes and Gorgons Deserve Nice things on the Brain Jar side of things. Also on the list today: newsletter


Award Season (10 Mar 2023 Status)

This week has been an embarrassment of riches regarding writing and publishing news, and just as I was thinking about how strange it would be to write a blog post with nothing big to share… BAM, the Aurealis Awards shortlists dropped with two Brain Jar Press titles included among the finalists (and many more authors who have published with Brain Jar nominated for work they’ve done with other companies). Congratulations to Kirstyn McDermott, who wrote the fantastic Never Afters series these two books came from. It was an incredible honour to publish them, and it’s great to see the series get the recognition it deserves. You can see the full Aurealis Awards finalist list here, and it’s full of great aussie speculative fiction for you to try. You can grab copies of the Never Afters novellas from Brain Jar Press or wherever good books are sold. ON THE DOCKET Today, I need to write the last scene in tomorrow’s Saturday

News & Upcoming Events

Let There Be Gaimans (9 Mar 2023 Status Post)

OUT IN THE WORLD I recently guested on the Pratchat podcast hosted by Ben McKenzie and Elizbath Flux, talking about Terry Pratchett’s non-fiction collection A Slip Of The Keyboard and the writing advice within. You can find the episode online now, or at any of the mysterious services that bring podcasts to your phone. Here’s the episode pitch: Liz and Ben are joined by writer and publisher Peter M Ball for Pratchat’s first foray into Pratchett’s nonfiction! We discuss fandom, genre, Sharknado, figgins and even fit in six pieces from “A Scribbling Intruder”, the first section of Pratchett’s 2014 nonfiction anthology A Slip of the Keyboard. Pratchett writes about the letters he receives from various kinds of fans as a popular genre author in “Kevins” (1993), before revisiting the same topic in the email age and explaining why he quit his own newsgroup in “Wyrd Ideas” (1999), both for The Author magazine. Then its time to discuss fantasy as a genre – both advice for writing


Status: 8 Mar 2023

The latest short story collection from Brain Jar Press, Tansy Rayner Roberts’ Gorgons Deserve Nice Things, went on sale yesterday and the response has been phenomenal. Gorgons is our most pre-ordered book in two years, and while we shipped the bulk of those over a month ago, there’s also been a steady stream of first day sales to keep things bubbling along. By the standards of small press publishing—or, at least, my little corner of it—it’s on the road to being our smash hit for 2023. Here’s the blurb, for the curious: Right, then. Now that I’ve done my bit to pay the bills and keep the cat in kibble… ON THE DOCKET Shipping books will be a big part of my day, obviously, but I’ve also got the soft launch of the next Brain Jar Press book and a bunch of other titles to push forward. At some point, I definitely need ot sit down and work on this


Status: 6 Mar 2023

We cleaned out the storage space chaos at the top of the wardrobe over the weekend and assembled an impressive list of rubbish, old clothes to be donated, and a graveyard of dead and unused modems to transport to a recycling centre. Among the detritus was a promotional postcard for 2009s Interfictions II anthology that’s been blue-tacked to the wall of multiple offices, but never found its way onto the walls of the current flat because there’s no actual office space. I loved this anthology series and the sponsoring org, the Interstitial Arts Foundation, which always seemed to be a place where I found interesting work that pushed boundaries. Both strike me as an artifact of a very different era, where conversations about art and digital publishing focused on what you could do with the new tools and distribution methods. These days, I feel like the voices focused on what you should do typically drown out everything else, and the


Status: 4 Mar 2023

My beloved and I went out to the movies last night, having decided the opportunity to see Elizabeth Banks’ Cocaine Bear on the big screen was worth the stress of being out among large crowds of people. It was definitely our kind of movie, and delivered exactly what we’d hoped: a drugged out bear pulling people apart, enough subplot to keep the action meaningful, and the occasional over-the top moment. Cocaine Bear is a movie that knows exactly what it’s doing. It knows you’ve come in to cheer to the bear on, not care about any of the human characters. My primary fear going in was that it’d break the internal verisimilitude of the world in the name of ‘humour’ (aka the Sharknado 3 issue), but it was more restrained than I expected on that front (although my definition of restraint is not going to be shared by everyone). NEW WORK My latest short story, Or For Eternity Hold Your


Status: 3 Mar 2023

Sent out my first newsletter since switching my provider away from Mailchimp, so it’s a bit of a nervewracking morning spent watching analytics and trying to figure out if I’ve made a terrible mistake. I’m pretty sure I haven’t, because Mailchimp was making it increasingly clear I wasn’t the kind of customer they were trying to keep. I’ve been meaning to pull the trigger on the switch for a while, but yesterday’s “go out and be an author in public” hangover pushed me onto my zombie mode task list for the first time in a long while. ON THE DOCKET No meetings today, which means today is 100% devoted to getting tomorrow’s story ready for Patreon. The current draft lives in two different notebooks, scribbled around the edges of other tasks this week, so today is spent figuring out what I’m trying to do and how to make it good. Time remaining will be spent getting two books ready to


Status: 2 Mar 2023

Putting on my editor hat for a moment: The latest release at Brain Jar Press is Matthew R. Davis’ Bites Eyes, a deliciously disturbing assemblage of thirteen flash fictions and short horror vignettes. Available now through the Brain Jar Press store or all good bookshops. Editing short story collections is one of my favourite things to do, and there’s a deceptive amount of depth you can bring to the process to the editor. Probably the most fun I’ve had designing a cover in the last year as well. ON THE DOCKET Thursdays are usually my meeting-free day each week, but today is all about seeing folks. I’m catching up with an old friend via Zoom in the morning and have a rescheduled mentee meeting in the afternoon. This is very much a notebook week on the writing front. I recently doubled down on bullet journaling as my default organisational system, and it’s working moderately well, and the natural next step


Status: 1 Mar 2023

An off-hand comment from my beloved wife and a weekly vegetable box delivery has sent me down a rabbit hole of experimenting with my method of cooking roast potatoes, looking for techniques I can use to level up my roasties. Yesterday, I experimented with par-boiling the potatoes in slightly acidic water before roasting, then brushing them with a little melted butter to add some flavour as they roasted. The results were deliciously crisp potatoes with a fluffy core when eaten hot, but the texture of the leftovers was disappointing when eaten cold the following day. Leftovers are important to us, given the haphazard balance between deadlines and spoons that runs our household, so figuring out the perfect tater roast now has a dedicated project page in my bullet journal to track future experiments and their results. I did a long podcast taping with the PratChat folks last night – my first real “be a writer in public” thing in over


Status: 28 Feb 2023

OUT TODAY: ECLECTIC PROJECTS 002 The second issue of Eclectic Projects is out today, featuring four original short stories, one serial entry, and one long essay about the worst job I’ve ever worked, digital publishing technology, and the evolution of publishing scams in the age of the internet. Available from all good bookstores, via a Patreon subscription, or right here on the Eclectic Projects store in ebook and print. STATE OF THE PETER What started as 400-odd fraudulent orders over on Brain Jar Press has now escalated to a flurry of 3,000+ attempts, which basically means my email is a hellscape of notifications and chat messages. Our payment provider is still doing their job—none of the fraudulent purchases have gone through and I’m spared the mass refunding that would follow if they did—but it’s still a time-consuming process to stay on top of things. Worse, today, because it’s release day for Matthew Davis’ Bites Eyes over on the Brain Jar


Status: 27 Feb 2023

Extraordinary number of fraulent orders hit the Brain Jar Press store over the weekend, transforming our usual trickle of notifications into a mighty torrent as I was notified by payment failure after payment failure. On the plus side, our filters caught all the bogus orders as they were sent through and didn’t process them, which means I don’t have to spend my day refunding 400+ orders and talking to our payment provider about each one. On the downside, my email and the order system is a disaster zone that will need a few hours to clean up. Meanwhile, there are definite signs I need to reset my desk, especially given the number of books stacking up on the side table because I referenced them while working. NEW WORK This week’s Saturday Morning Story on Patreon was It’s Not A Job, a short tale about Chosen Ones, Monsters, and the Late Stage Capitalism that may also be a metaphor for art