New Cubicle
When I started my PhD they gave me a cubicle at university, ostensibly a quiet place to work and store books and be close to research tools. I’ve done a few tours in the post-grad world and they’re almost never that–put enough postgrads into a room looking to procrastinate, and the distractions will come thick […]
Hello, Caturday
Because I have blog stats and know what you folks are showing up for, here’s a picture of Admiral Coco Marshmallow Flerkin-Wittingstall for your general perusal and admiration. It’s astonishing how much colour she managed to find in our flat, given our general decorating preferences. Astonishing, also, how much of her belly fur is still […]
Stacking Notebooks
This week has been all about regrouping after the latest life-roll to disrupt my year (the third, and hopefully, the last). My brain is heavily scattered at the moment, and my anxiety gets to drive a lot more than I’d like, so I wanted to create a space where I could just sit down and […]
Panettone Season
One of the most useful guidelines for blogging is sitting down every morning and asking yourself: “what is the most useful thing I can put out into the world right night?” Some days that will be a deep thought. Some days, it will be much simpler. Like this: There are plenty of reasons to be […]
Cat Mojo vs. Peter Mojo
Today I return to the internet the same way I left it a week ago: by posting a picture of my cat doing cat-like things. There’s a lot of gathering-up-the-threads going on today, trying to figure out where I’m at in a whole bunch of projects. First cab off the rank is calling the shelter […]
Placeholder Cat Holds The Fort
Offline today, on account of heading to my Grandmother’s funeral, so I’m posting this picture of the Admiral engaged in one of her weirder sleeping habits. You don’t get to hear the tiny snores that kick in when she falls asleep with her head like this, but trust me, they’re adorable.
27 September 2019
I’m largely offline today, so here’s a glimpse at the planning document for a future Brain Jar series. This is poking at a story idea that sits about halfway through an 8-book run. My grandmother passed away yesterday morning, and today I’m running on too little sleep and a fresh hit of grief in a […]
Snoots and Roundabouts
I snapped this photograph while waiting at the door before Write Club yesterday. The snoot is donate by Lulu, a regular feature on the inimitable Angela Slatter’s Instagram. Today I’m off to the sunshine coast, where my grandmother is in hospital. She’s in her nineties and hasn’t been in great shape the last few times […]
Movable Objects
Over the last few weeks my laptop has taken on an increasingly stationary role. I’ve pulled it away from the current set-up exactly twice–once for Write Club and an afternoon at the university, and once when it was necessary to write away from the desk due to other things going on in the flat. the […]
InBox Blues
My inbox sits at 25 emails this morning, which is better than it was yesterday but still enough to make me twitchy. It’s a little reminder that my routines are off, and that we’ve been working at the edge of burnout here in Casa Del Brain Jar. It’s also a reminder that I won’t bounce […]
Vale Pepe, Best of Cavys
I didn’t really have pets as a kid. Not the kind who were around long enough that you remember them. My dad kept snakes for a time, and those terrified me. We had guinea pigs when I was three, and a budgie for a short while, but the phase where pets and my life intersected […]
Dress Shop Dog
A new dress shop has opened down by our local pizza place, and yesterday I noticed a giant ball of carefully manicured fur hanging out by the entrance while stopping in to pick up dinner. I found myself wondering why a dress shop needs a dog, and the answers I came up with will probably […]