The internet knows everything, and so I ask…

I was at work today, innocently doing my job, when one of my co-workers turned around asked “have you ever come across a transgender zombie story?” At which point I allowed that a) I had not, b) google wasn’t inclined to find me one, and c) I adore my new dayjob more than any other […]

Once we give toasters a modicum of AI, the whole damn world is doomed

If you haven’t read Kelly Link’s Swans before, you can do so over at Fantasy Magazine today. I really recommend it, and I’m totally okay with you going over and reading it now. I mean, I’m not going anywhere, and I’m happy to wait. # Tried cooking chili tonight. Ordinarily not a thing that’s noteworthy, but […]


It’s generally a bad sign when the cleanest room in my flat is the study, but it appears I’ve reached that point. I predict a day of epic tidying and cleaning in my future, but right now I’ll settle for getting the washing up done and putting away the clean laundry. That’s next hour’s problem, […]

So after setting myself the goal of blogging every day in the coming week, I’m sneaking this one in under a technicality (specifically, the one that says a new day doesn’t actually start until your sleep and wake up in the morning. It makes sense in my head, even if the clocks disagree). It’s one of […]

I went to Pulp Fiction (Brisbane’s Finest Specialty Crime & SF bookstore) and bought new books earlier this week and I’ve managed to forget that until six minutes ago, when I rummaged through my bag and unearthed copies of Charlie Huston’s Sleepless and the Zombies Vs Unicorns anthology and the latest Gail Carriger novel and…well, […]

As I drink my celebratory snifter of port…

It’s a cool winter evening and I’ve turned off most of the lights in the flat, shuffling around the study by dim glow of the desk lamp, swaying in a slightly dreamy manner to Bauhaus songs while I poke bits of Flotsam with a stick.  In theory I should be writing right now, but I […]


Tonight’s a moment of respite, I think, amid the pell-mell rush of the last few weeks. And for all that it’s been a good kind of rush, full of new jobs and new words and ticking things off the metaphorical to-do list, I’m kind of glad to be easing off the accelerator a little. I’m […]

Quick Update

It’s Wednesday evening and the dayjob is done for the week. I’m now girding myself for the next few days, which will be best described as a tsunami of words. My plans for the evening involve reading the last fifty pages of Un Lun Dun, writing a bunch of things that need to be finished […]

Not Enough Coffee Man

It is morning and there is no coffee in the house, which means I should either duck down to the local espresso bar I haven’t been to yet, or buckle up and drive to the shops in order to acquire more coffee. The latter option will obviously need to occur either way, for I don’t have the means […]

An eclectic kind of music night

Last night I faced the question: what happens when Peter comes home from work, discovers he’s sold a story, and pours an overly generous snifter of porter as part of his celebration? The answer seems to involve dancing to Justin Timblerlake’s I’m Bringing Sexy back in a manner that makes it extraordinarily clear that there […]

It’s morning and it’s cold and I’m sitting in the study with bare feet, kicking my heels against the floorboards, which is basically one of my favourite things ever. Eventually it will get too cold and I’ll be forced to put on socks, or shoes, or slippers, but for the moment this is one of […]

Still Alive

Today was a very good day. I didn’t really sleep a lot last night, because today was also my first day at the new dayjob, and that’s the kind of thing that makes me restless and afflicted with the kind of nervous insomnia that means you sleep without really sleeping. I rose before seven AM […]