Lessons from the Day Job

I’ve come to the opinion that migrating a website from one host to another is rather like being in charge of the Death Star firing controls. You sit there quietly, doing your job, counting off the minutes until you unleash the awesome power of some technological masteripeice capable of destroying planets, and in your moment […]


I’m drinking coffee with my breakfast this morning. This is worth mentioning because, quite honestly, for the last three weeks I’ve been sufficiently under the weather that the very thought of drinking coffee with breakfast was enough to induce nausea. Huzzah for good health; you always miss it when it fails you for a time. […]

Busy week is busy

Things I’ve been doing instead of posting on this here blog: Writing things. Mostly this thing, but occasionally other things. Yes, that’s very vague, but that’s pretty much the way my brain works at this point: Writing! Things! Woo! Reading things. Specifically: reading Dashiel Hammett’s Red Harvest (pretty good), the Bloodshot/Hellbent tandem from Cherie Preist […]

28th September 2011, 7:15 AM

There’s something rather pleasant about writing in hotel rooms. For starters, there’s nothing to distract you, especially if the room you’re renting is marked by a list of things that don’t work: lights, television, the hotel’s broadband network. Hotel rooms endeavour to be pleasingly utilitarian at the best of times, and once you remove those little creature […]

Just a Peaceful, Lazy Friday

It’s been a particularly lazy morning around these parts. I woke up, I read things, I dozed. I repeated the process until I’d read the latest installment of Trent Jamieson’s Death Works series, whereupon I emerged and ate breakfast and generally started pottering on the internet. In a couple of minutes I’ll head off to get […]

Three Things

WRITING RACE I’m going to be the guest racer at tonight’s Australian Writer’s Marketplace Writing Race, an online gathering where a bunch of writers…well, write. *Waves hello to any AWM Writing Races that drop past* I last guested at one of these back in 2009, just after Horn was released, and it proved to be […]

The Day After the Unity Walk

A few weeks ago my sister signed up for the Unity Walk to raise money for Parkinson’s Queensland. Her initial goal, quite modestly, was raising $500 in sponsorship. By last Sunday, when she started the walk, she’d raised $2185, most of that in the seven-day period between her first putting the link up on Facebook […]

Unity Walk Redux

My sister’s posted a short blog about the reason she’s doing the Unity Walk for Parkinson’s Australia. It goes a little something like this: My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2003, although in hindsight, he had probably been suffering some of the symptoms for about fifteen years before that. Since the diagnosis came […]

My Sister is Walking For Parkinsons Queensland

My father has Parkinson’s disease. It’s one of those things I don’t talk about here, but the short version is this: as a disease, it sucks in a pretty major way. It sucks for the person who has it, and it sucks for the people who care about them. It’s a degenerative disorder of the […]


More rain, today, and I do love the rain. Last night I turned off all the lights around nine o’clock, trundled off to bed with Fritz the Laptop, and wrote things while it was deliciously cold and wet and almost rainy. There were houses in the neighborhood who’d lit their wood fires, filling the air […]

Two Short Thoughts

It’s a cold and blustery morning here in Brisbane, and after I get home from work this evening I’m going to need to disappear down the rabbit hole and get some writing done. The entire week is something of an experiment in that front, figuring out a new routine that works around the dayjob. I’m […]

Confessions of an Absentee Writer

It’s been a quiet handful of weeks. I wrote, I got the latest instalment of Flotsam away on time, despite the fact that it’s a giant bastard chunk of story, then I collapsed onto a couch for two weeks watching the glory that is the Bruce Timm DC Animated Oeuvre. I have know come to […]