Awake at 6 AM, sitting at the computer. Getting ready to write something, to put new content on the blog. One of those routines in my life that I’ve been ignoring for weeks now, but it’s time to get back to it. My body seems to have decided that 4 AM is the optimal time to wake up, so I may as well embrace that and use it to my advantage.

The last six weeks broke me, but that happens. I am breakable. Everyone is breakable, when life finds the right cracks and works upon them, and I have plenty of cracks that I’ve been ignoring for years.

And so this week is all about the small victories. Did I write a blog post today? Did I open the document for my work in progress? Have I eaten real food, instead of microwaving something and calling it done? Incremental improvement, rather than running at top speed.


Picking up the pieces of who I am and pasting them together again, until I start to resemble a real goddamn human being again.

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