Day: July 8, 2022

Adventures in Lifestyle Hacking

The 5-2 Focus List (A Useful To-Do List Alternative)

So here’s a neat variation on the to-do list I’ve picked up from Mark Foster’s Secrets of Productive People, where he replaces what I have to get done with what I’m going to focus on as the primary entries on your notepad. The 5-2 The process goes like this: Step One: Put five tasks you want to give your focus to on a sheet of paper. Works best with a mix of complex and simple tasks, but you do you, etc. Step Two: Work down the list in order. You don’t have to finish a task, just do something to progress it. Then: If you start a task and don’t finish it, cross the first entry off and add it to the bottom of your list.  If you finish a task, just cross it off. Step Three: Keep going through the tasks in order until you’ve whittled the list down to two, then add three new tasks to the end