Day: January 13, 2022

Writing Advice - Business & the Writing Life

52 Chapbooks: A 2022 Challenge

Back at the tail end of 2020, Dean Wesley Smith laid out a challenge to aspiring indie writers who had a short story back list: publish 52 short stories over 2021. One of the key details in his write-up is that the focus is publishing rather than writing. As he put it: A lot of writers I know have collections published which have stories in them that are not yet published stand-alone. Those would be easy to mine for stories for the challenge. A lot of writers I know have unpublished stories sitting, waiting. Heck, a bunch of writers did the write 52 stories in 52 weeks challenge and haven’t got most of those out yet. POINT #1… So to get to 52 stories, you might have to write a few a month, but most writers have a bunch to start this challenge. I’d been thinking about that challenge a lot as I wrote up my notes on making good