Day: October 2, 2021


Status: Saturday, 2 October, 2021

LOCATION: Windsor, Brisbane, Australia. THE QUICK-AND-DIRTY NEWS Printers have shipped out first print run of Joanne Anderton’s Inanimates, which should arrive around mid-week. First COVID vaccination jab yesterday, which means I’m aching like hell today. I’m searching for a new day job, which has thrown life into chaos. Our cat had an emergency vet visit, which means… I’m open for freelance cover design gigs, and have a few pre-made covers for sale at a discount. CURRENT INBOX: 65 (Officially in drop everything and fix it phase, because anything over 30 usually means I’m ignoring important stuff that will come back to bite me later) WORKING ON Layouts and cover designs for a Corella Press project Writing so many selection criteria Edits and cover design for January and February releases from Brain Jar (currently behind because of cat drama) A very secret project I’ll talk more about in November. Writing a zombie-infested D&D fantasy novella which may or may not be terrible. Contracts,