Day: June 4, 2021


Some Updates From the Brain Jar

Greetings, Lost and Lonely Blog Readers. It has, as they say, been a while. It’s the curse of having a lingering affection for an older, largely superceded form of online communication, plus the sheer pant-shitting terror of trying to launch a successful publishing company in the midst of global chaos. A good deal of the stuff that I used to blog about now finds its way into the weekly newsletter, which is itself supported by the Eclectic Projects Patreon where a lot of the conversations about what I’m posting tend to take place. I’m also trying some new forms of online presence at the moment, which is a little terrifying in and of itself. I’ve fired up the ringlight and the webcam to start doing a little more video over on Facebook (itself a response to going offline for a week, and realising that a phone would still allow me to talk books and writing if people were used to