Day: November 8, 2019

Conspicuous Acts of Cultural Consumption

Fighting For Your Life With Shia LaBeouf

1. Here is a morning thought for a Friday: the glory of the internet is that there’s always someone who hasn’t seen Rob Cantor’s Shia LaBeouf. And there’s always someone who has forgotten the song and needs to see it again. Being the one to rectify either situation is a gift that keeps on giving. Go forth and be that person. 2. And here’s a challenge for your Friday: what can Rob Cantor’s 3 minute clip offer you as a creative person (regardless of how that creativity manifests). Yesterday I logged a quote from a recent Garth Nix in-conversation I attended: we are all descendants of everything we’ve ever read. This applies to three-minute clips as well as great works of literature and non-fiction. These days I run through a list from Todd Henry’s Accidental Creative designed to help capture creative sparks and insights. ARE THERE ANY PATTERNS YOU’RE EXPERIENCING THAT ARE SIMILAR TO SOMETHING YOU’RE WORKING ON? One project