Day: August 7, 2019

Madcap Adventures and Distracting Hijinx

Mystery and the Art of Author Events

Last Friday I ventured out into the chilly Brisbane night to attend the In Conversation event with Kate Forsyth at the Brisbane Square Library. There are certain writers that I’ll always make the effort to go see when they do events, because it’s basically a masterclass in how to manage the author/reader relationship. Kate Forsyth is in the top five authors on that list, and her events are always fantastic. While lots of authors will try to tell you about the story they’ve just written, Kate builds up stories around the act of writing–she tells you the story of the research, of the inspiration, of her own journey as a writer. Part of Kate’s bio mentions that she’s a verbal storyteller, as well as a novelist, and you can definitely see it as she talks about The Blue Rose. She builds intrigue into the discussion to pull you forward and get you interested in what happens next. Among the hooks