Day: August 1, 2019

News & Upcoming Events

Release Day: A White Cross Beside a Lonely Road (Short Fiction Lab #3)

A ten-hour drive, a relationship on the rocks, and a ghost waiting for company on a lonely stretch of road.  The last thing Alex wants is a trip home with his boyfriend in tow, but when Brendan insists on coming there’s nothing for it but a ten hour drive and the dread of what might happen when they reach their destination.  There is nothing about the idea of being trapped in car with his lover that Alex is looking forward too, but a haunted stretch of lonely road is about to make him question everything he knows about his relationship and his life.  A White Cross Beside A Lonely Road is the third short story in the Short Fiction Lab series from Brain Jar Press—home to stand-alone short story experiments in fantasy, science fiction, horror, and fabulist literature. This experiment has been filed under: ghost stories, outback fantasy, supernatural encounters, and Australian weirdness. The third Short Fiction Lab release is now