Day: May 16, 2019


“There is always more work to do, you know?”

I’m 90 words off hitting my fiction target for the day, and getting to tick the left-hand box on my monthly streak tracker. It’s occurring late today, but my partner is asleep and there’s an evening of work before me…and I’ll be stopping once those 90 words are written. As I mentioned in my last post, the upper limit is as important to me as the minimum I need to get done. I bang on about having hard edges on your creative practice because I’ve seen the results of not having limits on my work–to whit, I spend all my time trying to get things done and end up doing less. So it was interesting to see Austin Kleon talking about the same thing on his blog today, courtesy of a question he was asked about always feeling like you can and should be doing more creative work: “Yeah, always. If you get into that productivity trap, there’s always going