Day: December 17, 2018

News & Upcoming Events

Second-Last Brain Jar Publication for the Year

So last week I put out Black Dog: A Biography, which is not a new story in the Brain Jar Press Short Fiction Lab, but a reprint of a somewhat experimental older story that I’m using as a free sample of the kind of short fiction I write. It contains fiction. It contains biography. It contains large, girlfriend-eating dogs that may or may not be an imaginary friend.  And your sample: The first time the Black Dog showed up I was five. We were living in Miriwinni and it lurked behind the low, chain link fence that marked out our backyard, hunkered down in the long grass filling the space between the fence line and the train tracks. No-one else could see it, not even my parents. It was good at hiding when other people looked. I don’t remember much about our house back then. My parents were teachers, so we moved a lot. I was five, and that means