Day: November 20, 2018

News & Upcoming Events

New Stories

Well, then. This weekend did not go to plan in any way. My dad went into hospital on Friday, courtesy of a fall where he bumped his head in the kitchen. He’s okay, but it made for an anxious few days given his other health issues, and I ended up focused on learning new skills and long-ignored admin instead of writing. Initially, that meant doing updates of old Clockwork Golem products, preparing to get the backlist on sale. Lots of transferring of files and getting up to speed with the new version of Photoshop and InDesign. Useful busy-work for keeping me occupied, but I also wanted to put something new into the world. And I had a few weird, off-kilter stories kicking around that I’d drafted with the half-hearted idea of doing a Patreon (set aside when I realised I’m unlikely to maintain a regular pace long-term). And I had a few weird, off-kilter stories kicking around that I’d drafted