Day: July 6, 2018


Bees, Angela Carter’s Postcards, and Circling the End of a Tale

Yesterday, Melbourne writer David Witteveen retweeted this forty-second clip of a bee hatching that kept me amused for an half-hour, and thus went onto the list of links I’ll revisit for a future project that is rather bee-centric. You should probably follow David’s twitter feed – it’s frequently full of interesting stuff, in that way that the feeds of so many librarian/author types I know frequently tend to be (My other recommendation on this front would be Gessorly’s Tumblr, although the librarian/author friend I suspect of being behind that feed is so circumspect about their identity that I’m not 100% sure it’s who I’m thinking of, and thus I will not name them here). The glory of the internet is not that everyone gets famous for 15 minutes, but that everyone has the opportunity to curate based upon their interests. The glory of being a writer – you’re free to stop work and contemplate bee hatchings and how you’d describe