Day: April 16, 2018


Really Simple Syndication

I broke out my RSS reader last night while sitting on the couch with my partner. I’ve been using Newsblur for tracking blogs ever since Google Reader shut down, and part of me still holds a grudge against Google for deciding that RSS was an archaic bit of technology they no longer wanted to support. I value my RSS reader to the tune of a yearly subscription, even during the lean years where it felt like an extravagance. My partner had never encountered an RSS reader before. The difference in our age is a handful of years, but within those years was the advent of social blogging platforms such as Livejournal and the eventual rise of social media. Things powered by RSS without anywhere near the level of control if you value the ability to curate and sort the flows of information into meaningful categories. Occasionally I read about the death of the blog. It’s all about social media these