Day: June 3, 2016

Works in Progress

40 Day Rush: Day Three

I was at the grocery store today when my phone started pinging with me with notifications, many of which consisted of friends going hey, nice story. I was confused. I did not think I had any stories coming up this early in the year, but it turns out On Discovering a Ghost in the Five Star just went live over on Daily Science Fiction website, bringing together some of my favourite things: gyoza, laundromats, ghosts, and anger. Daily SF is free to read, so you just have to follow the link. Which I encourage you to do, because as a writer, I live and die by the application of your eyeballs and attention things I have written. So much so that, if left to my own devices, I will wander the moors whispering read me…reeeeead me. No-one wants that. Of course, there are only so many things I can do at once when multitasking, and that number of things is generally one, so figuring