Day: March 1, 2016

Writing Advice - Business & the Writing Life

You Track Your Submissions (and Rights) Because Its Good Business

Yesterday I posted about tracking your unfinished work and the major advantage that comes from taking a story all the way through to the end. Today I handle the other half of Elizabeth @ Earl Grey Editing’s query: TRACKING YOUR SUBMISSION (AND YOUR RIGHTS) Tracking your unfinished works is a personal decision. No-one is going to care if you just shove all your work into a folder and forget about it, and it’s not going to affect anyone but you. You do it because it makes life easier. Tracking your submissions, on the other hand, is a core requirement of the writers business, particularly at the earliest stages of your career when you’re doing things on spec. Basically, this one is non-optional if you’re writing to have a career. When you submit a story or a novel, you record where it’s gone (ie the magazine and publisher) and when you sent it. When they send you a response – positive