Day: January 1, 2016

Writing Advice - Business & the Writing Life

Four Basic Tenets To Govern 2016

I’m not making resolutions this year. I’m not making big, large-scale writing goals outside of the general idea that I’d like to write more and I’m going to start paying attention to what that actually looks like. What I am doing is establishing four basic tenets that govern my year. In essence, this ties back to my decision to abandon goals, ’cause none of these have an end-point in mind. Instead, they’re basic principles and philosophies behind how I do what I do, rather than where I want to end up. Effectively, a handful of new rules to live by, which will hopefully shuffle me towards the kind of life I’d like to have if I apply them regularly enough. TENET ONE: FINISHED BEATS FAST I have, over the last few years, put an extraordinary amount of effort into the act of trying to write more. What I didn’t do, all that often, was finish things. Nothing takes the thrill out