Day: November 13, 2015

Writing Advice - Business & the Writing Life

Here In Melbourne

I am in another city. Theoretically, on holidays, but in practice not so much. I’ll be spending today with Kevin Powe discussing the stuff that needs doing on the Altered project. We’ll spend a bunch of time talking shop, ’cause that’s what tends to happen when Kevin and I get together. He’s spent the past few years building up a great reputation as a Voice Actor, and it’s always fascinating to hear about the way things have progressed for him. I’ll spend the rest of my time hanging out with my friend Allan, who moved to Melbourne and quickly swapped careers from carpentry to producing high-end props for cosplayers and fans of all things geek. And again, I imagine we’ll talk shop at some point. I can’t even begin to conceptualise how Allan does what he does – my relationship with tools is rather like my relationship with being handed a live snake – but I can recognise the feelings associated with making