Day: October 26, 2015

News & Upcoming Events

Transmission from Conference Land: Things I Should Mention

By the time you read this, you and I are living in different worlds. You are living in the real world, where real things happen. I have travelled to Conference Land, where my head disappears into spreadsheets and phone-calls and a couple of hundred people wanting things done all urgent-like. There is no downtime once you enter Conference Land. There are simply times when you are working on the con, and times where you are sitting quietly, not really doing anything, ready to leap into action the moment the next emergency lands. GenreCon begins Friday. One of those phrases that resonates through my consciousness with a big, earth-shattering KABOOM! And in the silent aftermath, amid the desolation where all thought is wiped away, I start thinking of random things I should be telling people about. FIRST: LAMENT FOR THE AFTERLIFE, BRISBANE LAUNCH If you’re in Brisbane for GenreCon and looking for something to do on Thursday night, might I suggest heading along to