Day: January 14, 2015

Smart Advice from Smart People

Recommended Reading for Writer-Types

Odds are, if you’re interested in writing, you’re already reading Chuck Wendig’s blog regularly. If you’re not…well, fuck, I don’t know, start. In fact, start today, ’cause his most recent guest-post by Delilah S. Dawson is brilliant and includes a point that could be a personal mantra at the day-job and my writing life in general: DO NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR PURSUING YOUR PASSION. Now, that being said, you have to keep up your bargains with the world. You can’t just quit your day job and spend your family’s savings to rent a writer’s bungalow in Bali. You have to pay your bills and taxes, keep your kids healthy, and pay attention to that person you promised to love and cherish. As with all things, there’s a balance. But if you’re doing all the things you’re supposed to be doing, you have every right as a living creature to pursue your bliss in your spare time. Anyone who says otherwise is