Day: July 24, 2014


Tell Me About the Cool Shit You’ve Got Going On Right Now

Writers with new books out should not be trusted with blogs and social media. Every impulse you have is basically starts screaming talk about the book…talk about the book…Book! Book! Book! BOOOOOOOOOK! and you lose any real sense of scale you have about the line between promotion and…well, being a little sad. So I am going to mention Exile is out and available from many fine perveyors of electronic reading material. And I am going to mention the interview I did with the Apocalypse Ink folks about adapting Flotsam to a novella series and why I chose the Gold Coast as the setting. But I’m just going to do it all subtle-like, you know? ‘Cause this post ain’t about me. It’s about you guys.I’ve got a humble request: TELL ME ABOUT THE COOL SHIT YOU’VE GOT GOING ON RIGHT NOW. What have you been up to that you’re really excited about? What have you got coming up in the near future that you’re all, like,