Day: February 28, 2012

News & Upcoming Events

Me Teach You to Write Good, eh?

There’s a more substantive blog post coming, but I’m just dropping past to announce the following to anyone who may be interested in this writing course that’s kicking off next Wednesday Night. It’s an introductory course run as part of my dayjob at the Queensland Writers Centre. ‘Course, I’m a sucker for talking about writing, which is one of those reasons I regard the dayjob as one of the best-damn-dayjobs ever Details as follows: Introduction to Creative Writing Presented by Peter Ball If you’re the kind of person who loves books and films, who gets brilliant ideas for characters and plots while sitting on the bus, who scribbles in a journal or is just inspired to imagine and create stories… well, it’s quite likely you’re a writer! Take the plunge and join us for this four-week course where you will explore your unique writing voice, discover your own abilities and learn new tools and exercises to nurture that inner storyteller.