Day: June 21, 2011


I’m out of the blogging habit…

So: 1) I quit the dreaded dayjob and worked out my notice. I was officially done at 1:30 last Friday, and that moment has been one of the better moments of my year. I would say no words can describe how much I disliked that job, but that would be a patent lie. Of course words can describe it; describing things with words is what I do, after all. Unfortunately the words I’d use to describe the experience aren’t particularly useful in polite company, or fair to the company in question who were more frustrating to deal with than maliciously determined to make my life miserable, so I elect to say nothing in public. 2) I am behind on email. Well, behind on everything really – you should see the state of my kitchen – but email and blogging are my default means of communicating with the world, and so it’s usually worth mentioning when I’m behind on such things