You know Worldcon is getting closer when everyone starts posting their schedules. Details of my stuff below, with the full program available over at the website.

Finding the difference: Australian SF vs the rest of the World
Australia has a strong and vibrant speculative fiction industry and community – but how does it differ from the SF produced in the USA, the UK, or other nations around the world? Is there a unique cultural identity to Australian SF – and if there is, what are the most common elements?
Lucy Sussex, Peter M. Ball, Tehani Wessely, Jack Dann
Thursday 1700 Room 217

What can the mystery teach science fiction?
Mysteries and crime novels remain overwhelmingly popular, and boast a literary history at least as rich as that of science fiction. What can the mystery genre teach writers of speculative fiction? How can the two genres intersect? In an imagined world of high technology or powerful magic, are the conventional narrative tricks and twists of the mystery story even possible?
Don A. Timm, Alastair Reynolds, Sean Williams, Peter M. Ball, Jack Bell
Friday 1700 Room 204

Novellas: The perfect format
Shorter than the novel, longer than the short story: the novella (also the novelette) is one of the more difficult lengths of fiction to write and certainly to sell – but it just might be the best format for science fiction there is. A look at the novella, the sorts of stories you can tell within the form, and how it straddles the line between the short story and the novel.
Robert Silverberg, Peter M. Ball, Alan Baxter, Keith Stevenson
Sunday 1200 Room 203

Sun 1400 Rm 207: Reading

Of course, the real answer to “where will I find Peter during the con” is almost always going to be “he’s at the bar,” so when in doubt look there.

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