First, a little pimping: The Queensland Writer’s Centre has announced the November Writing Frenzy, a month-long initiative to get people writing whether they’re engaging in the month-long madness that is NaNoWriMo or just looking to get a project done. Part of the program consists of several Writing Races held on the Australian Writers Marketplace Online Forums, including one this Sunday between 3 pm and 4 pm where I’ll be floating around and answering as the guest racer between the frantic attempt to kick off the NaNoWriMo project. Drop by, say hi, and get some words down if you’re a AWMO subscriber.

Unlike the puntastic Jason Fischer, who’ll be following up as a guest/race captain for the 10th of November Writing Race, I don’t promise to wear a tricorne hat while executing my duties (which seem to consist of “talk about writing” and “write,” which are pretty cool as duties go).

I may have a bear on my head though. It’s been that kind of week.

The invite came at a good time actually, because this weekend is going to be all about the words (Unless you’re actually my friend Chris and you’re coming over for a game of Bloodbowl during my one break from the deadline madness, in which case there will simply be the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the dice fail my team of plucky halfling football players yet again). My current plan for the weekend write-fest looks something like this:

Friday – Write Club with the inimitable and awesome Angela Slatter. Must cook dinner, write a lot, and apologise for the lack of chocolate this week. Then write, bitch about writing, catch up with news of the outside world, make zombie jokes, and write some more. If things go well I’ll have the Cold Cases draft done by the time I turn in this evening. Write club is awesome. I heart the write club.

Saturday – World’s longest writing binge. Seriously. My current plan is to get up early, write a like a manic to finish any of the chapters that aren’t finished on Cold Cases, get some rewrites of chapters that are already outdated and need fleshing out, take a break to play Bloodbowl, then review my notes on the NaNoWriMo project. If I actually get Cold Cases done on Friday night, all the time scheduled for novella drafting will be devoted to a short story instead. Either way, I’m hoping to write until my fingers bleed and collapse into bed with visions of spellchecker faeries dancing through my head.

Sunday – NaNoWriMo Kick Off, the aforementioned Writing Race in the afternoon, and some revision on the Black Candy manuscript in the evening because my poor ol’ novel re-draft has been fermenting that little bit too long now.

Basically, it sees that I’ve hit one of those periods where it’s actually less stressful to spend seven or so hours at the computer, producing words, than it is to avoid the work. I like to capitalise on those periods while the opportunity is there.

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