This May Be the Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Seen Someone Write About Writing On the Internet

As someone who has taught in my fair share of university creative writing programs, I read Ryan Boudinot’s Things I Can Say About MFA Programs Now I No Longer Teach In One with a certain amount of recognition. You see, I, too, have experienced the disappointment that is students asking for books that don’t require as much though. Similarly, I’ve felt that pang of irritation when students complain they don’t have time to write. I have dispaired when students read great books and dismissed them. Pissed me off then, pisses me off now.

It doesn’t stop me from recognizing that Ryan Boudinot is a goddamn condescending motherfucker who is talking a big ol’ pile of shit, though.

‘Cause he is.

His article may actually be the dumbest collection of things I’ve ever seen someone write about writing on the internet.

Which is saying something, really.


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