Things You Should Be Going To In April If You Are In Brisbane And Into Spec Fic

It’s rare that I leave the house for reasons that are not gaming, uni, or terrible movies, but next month I’ll be making the effort twice to support a couple of spec-fic-type happenings taking place in Brisbane. And since I don’t want to go to these places and hang around, all awkward and knowing no-one, here’s a heads up for people who may share my interest in all things science fiction, horror, and fantasy who might be interested in coming along.

Avid Reader Bookshop; When: Thursday, 13 April, 6:00 PM; Cost: Free (but preregister)
Why should you be going? It’s rare that spec fic writers from outside Queensland launch their books locally, and even rarer when the authors of those books are published by overseas presses. Sparks and Dyer are both great writers and they’re coming to town to co-launch their first novels into the world. Register you interest in attending at the Avid Reader website.

THE SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB Featuring Jodi McAlister and Maria Lewis

Where: Avid Reader Bookshop; When: Monday, 24 April, 6:00 PM; Cost: $7.50
Why should you be going? Despite the name, this is an in-conversation with the two guests led by Brisbane author Trent Jamieson. More importantly, it’s being touted as the first of a monthly series, which means that even if I weren’t interested in what these particular authors had to say (for the record, I totally am), I would go and support the series on the principle of USE IT OR LOSE IT. If you don’t support this sort of thing early, when it’s vulnerable to lack of numbers being seen as lack of interest, it doesn’t stick around.

I’ve wanted something like this to exist in Brisbane for a while now, which means that I will plan to be there the last Monday of every month with fucking bells on. Tickets and details available on the Avid Reader website.

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