The Sunday Circle: What Are You Working On This Week?

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The Sunday Circle is the weekly check-in where I ask the creative-types who follow this blog to weigh in about their goals, inspirations, and challenges for the coming week. The logic behind it can be found here. Want to be involved? It’s easy – just answer three questions in the comments or on your own blog (with a link in the comments here, so that everyone can find them).

After that, throw some thoughts around about other people’s projects, ask questions if you’re so inclined. Be supportive above all.

Then show up again next Sunday when the circle updates next, letting us know how you did on your weekly project and what you’ve got coming down the pipe in the coming week (if you’d like to part of the circle, without subscribing to the rest of the blog, you can sign-up for reminders via email here).


What am I working on this week?

The bulk of this week is given over to finishing the first act of Hell Track and getting started on the second act. This means I’m well behind on my six-week project sprint, but getting through my PhD confirmation saw me running at high anxiety for three straight days and I struggled to step away from that state once the confirmation was done. In the end, I declared much of last week a wash so I could focus on my mental health, with the goal of re-starting the sprint on Monday.

What’s inspiring me this week?

So Black Panther is pretty phenomenal, and a great example of making an action movie that’s about something other than the action. Just a gorgeously realised bit of SF with a strong, beating heart running underneath it, and easily the kind of story that you watch and aspire to make. The nice part about the last week has been the number of articles about how it was done – not just from director Ryan Coogler, but about the costuming and design that play a big part in the setting.

What action do I need to take?

There’s ten days until the scheduled release date for You Don’t Want To Be Published and I’ve got a list of final proofing notes, in addition to finalising all of the meta-data details that get entered and re-entered at every sale site.

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