So here’s the short-version: My names Peter M. Ball and I’m writer of speculative fiction, a gamer, a lover of good food, and a wrestling fan. I talk about my works in progress, use public word counts, and pimp my publications (and those of my friends, and those I just plain like a lot) with moderate enthusiasm. Throw in some references to popular culture, an undercurrent of arts-theory, a deep love of gothic films/literature and punk rock, and you’ve probably got a good idea of where the blog is going to go from here on in.

Right now you have stumbled over this site while we’re in set-up mode (or you’re in the future and you’ve backtracked here to see the beginning, in which case you may be interested in the livejournal that served as my web-presence prior to December 2008).

At its heart, this website is about promoting my writing. A partial list of what I’ve done in the past is available in my bibliography, but right now I’m excited about the following stories coming in the future:

  • The Clockwork Goat and the Smokestack Magi in Shimmer’s Clockwork Jungle book issue
  • On the Destruction of Copenhagen by the Warmachines of the Merfolk in Strange Horizons
  • The Dragonkeeper’s Wife in the Black Dragon, White Dragon anthology from Ricasso Press
  • And a yet to be titled novella that’s yet to be announced

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