The Dice Goblin Gains A New Dice Bag

My dad wore a tie to work almost every day of his adult life, and still had a vast collection when he passed away in 2019. My mum asked if I’d be interested in them, but a) I wear a tie for job interviews approximately once every three or four years, and b) I don’t have a lot of storage in my flat. Ergo, I took an old Phantom tie my father loved (for sentimental reasons) and passed on the rest.

Rather than give the ties to goodwill, my mum partnered with a crafty friend to give the surplus new life. They transformed some into cushions, which my sister and I received as Christmas gifts, but there was still plenty of tie fabric left over. My sister elected to get another cushion, but I have about as much need for cushions as I have a need for neckties, so I passed on that as well.

Instead, we had a quick brainstorm about possible transformations that would fit into my life. “What would be really useful,” I said, “would be a dice bag for all my gaming dice. The pencil case I’ve been using for the last few years has never really fit them all.”

I didn’t think about it much after that. Then, last month, Allan of pop culture artifact generators Type40 kicked off a weekly. Pulp Cthulhu campaign and I was reaching for dice every Sunday. The limits of my set-up were being tested, regularly, and coming up short, and I’d started searching for various replacements online.

Thankfully, I hadn’t pulled the trigger on buying one, because the first words out of mum’s mouth when we gathered for dad’s memorial birthday dinner were “I’ve got your dice bags for you.”

There’s two of them, which means I can split my dice collection into a d10-intensive Call of Cthulhu bag and a more general DnD bag. It may mean buying a few extra rounds of dice to bulk things out (oh no!), but it’s nice to be carrying a little piece of my dad along to every game.

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