28 Days of Thesis Updates: Day One

TO START, AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT THE EXEGESIS IS When you do a creative writing PhD they don’t necessarily ask you to write a thesis. Instead, they get you to write a creative project (in my case, a whopping great lot of short stories) and then write an short exegesis that serves as a kind […]

Tonight, I’ve got the crazy-eye

If ever there’s a good summary for why this exegesis drives me barmy, it’s this: I just wrote 1400 words of brainstorming notes *just so I could figure out* two of the points I needed to make in my exegesis. One of them, basically, comes down to “I need to explain what I mean about […]

It’s a shiny new year

So many things I planned to blog about today, that I even made little mental notes to blog about because I thought they were interesting, and instead I’m just kind of popping up to say “damn, not enough time” before launching into another salvo on the exegesis. I’m resisting the urge to do a year-in-review […]