Thursday Linkfest
Over-tired, very busy, and generally lazy this week. This is not so much a weeks worth of interesting links (which I’ve started doing as I go along) as stuff I remembered with half-hearted accuracy sometime this morning. Via the ever-entertaining villainous_mog – photographs of Japanese Factories at night (as VM puts it: they look straight […]
Thursday Linkfest
Yesterday was busy and thus thesis-less, plus I got very little sleep thanks to some very unfomfortable shoulder pain, so odds are I’ll be saying little of interest today. Instead, I’ll entertain you with links to stuff that I’ve found interesting over the last week (or so): My good friend Chris Slee reflects on the […]
I’ve done a short guest-post over at Lee Battersby’s blog to kick off a short retrospective about Clarion South 2007. I talk a little bit about what makes clarion great and a lot about the influence one of my classmates had on the first draft of what would eventually become Horn (formerly known around these parts […]
More Interview Meme
Another five questions answered (see Yesterday’s post for the meme rules). Today’s interview comes courtesy of Lee Battersby. 1. 20 000 word unicorn novella, hey? What’s the follow up? If everything goes to plan, a 20,000 word noir story about a PI and her magical-talking cat partner. I’m thinking there may well be more after […]