Chapbook 2 of 52: Deadbeats

Funny thing about the Chapbook challenge: it feels as though I’m always behind, given that I’m only posting about the second chapbook now, but that’s largely because the folks who see them first are signed up to my Patreon (where Chapbook number 4 just dropped and I’m preparing for number 5). It’s also because print […]

Chapbook 1 of 52: Briar Day

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, I’m attempting to publish 52 chapbooks throughout 2022. You can read a little more about it here. Today, let’s talk a little about the first cab off the rank: Available in ebook from all great bookstores right now and in print next week, but you can get it as a […]

52 Chapbooks: A 2022 Challenge

Back at the tail end of 2020, Dean Wesley Smith laid out a challenge to aspiring indie writers who had a short story back list: publish 52 short stories over 2021. One of the key details in his write-up is that the focus is publishing rather than writing. As he put it: A lot of […]