Today’s the last day of Aussiecon 4 and I’ll be kicking around the convention centre for most of the day, soaking up the remaining hours of the geek-nirvana that is the worldcon. I have also hit the part of the con where I’m surviving on about four hours of sleep a night, but that’s a good thing.

Other good things:

– I met Rob Shearman early in the con and he misheard my name. This, in and of itself, isn’t the stuff that squee is made of, but when I later bought a copy of his short story collection and he was doing the signing I was given the opportunity to tell him I was a Peter, not a Paul. Still not squee-worthy? Bare with me, for the next thing that happened was awesome. Rob Shearman glanced at my namebadge and was all “Wait, Peter M Ball? The unicorn porn guy? I really liked Horn” (actual wordage may be slightly different due to the vagaries of memory, but this was close). Rob then drew a picture of a Dalek on the inside cover of his book, and I was filled with nerdy joy.

– I won the Best New Talent category at the Ditmar Awards. I also managed to miss the ceremony, so there were several confusing conversations with people afterwards where they tried to explain what’d happened and I was all like, “wait, what? You’re kidding, right?”

Bleed is out, and apparently selling well. People actually game to my reading yesterday, some of whom went and bought copies of the book afterwards.

– Met a whole slew of new folks, including the awesome Narelle Harris (who was recruited to my first panel early in the convention), Jennifer Brozek (who fished my story Clockwork, Patchwork, and Ravens out of the slush for Apex), and Will McIntosh(who I got to chat too early in the con, and was such a nice guy that I was really, really pleased when he won a Hugo last night). Caught up with lots of old friends too, and spent part of a dinner conversation convincing Dirk Flinthart to get his act together and make an e-book version of Brotherly Love available (or, at least, take steps to get it reprinted).

More to come when I get home. Or not, as the case may be.

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