BIG NEWS THIS WEEK: One Last First Date Before the End Of the World was released today.

What do you do when your date tells you Ragnarök starts next Tuesday?

Logan expected his date with Stina Lorne to be a disaster, quickly ending after dinner when they acknowledged she was out of his league. Instead they went for a long drive, then a walk along a familiar beach. In fact, everything seems to be going better than Logan could have imagined when he asked her out last week.

Sure, his date is convinced she’s the descendant of Fenrir, demon wolf of Asgard. And yeah, she’s talking about the apocalypse kicking off in the near future. Logan’s not sure that matters, yeah? After all, nobody’s perfect, and even the best relationships take work.

One Last First Date Before The End Of The World is the fourth release in the Short Fiction Lab series from Brain Jar Press—home to stand-alone short story experiments in fantasy, science fiction, horror, and fabulist literature. This experiment has been filed under: mythic fantasy, first dates, the day before the apocalypse, and slipstream romance stories.  


BIG ACHIEVEMENTS THIS WEEK: I marked a stack of assignments in a relatively efficient manner, rather than giving into procrastination and leaving everything until the last minute. I also did a metric buttload of reading this week, polishing off a bunch of books that I’ve been meaning to finish for a while.

Which means it was essentially a holiday from writing, with everything else going on. Some words were done, because I’m bad at holidays, but I’m actually taking a weekend off to regroup and plan ahead.

CURRENT EARWORM: Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls.

CURRENT READING: My current print reading is Catherynne Valente’s Radiance, and incredible sci-fi novels about alternate universes where the golden age of Hollywood took place in space. Not a description that does the book justice, but I’ll likely do a larger write-up when I’m done.

I’m also half-way through The Meg: Origins, the free novella tucked into the back of Steven Altern’s giant shark novel, The Meg. I was a big fan of the movie adaptation, but it’s really interesting to see how he’s spun the original story off into a whole universe of sequels.

BEST SCREEN MEDIA OF THE WEEK: A Stupid and Futile Gesture, a biopic about Doug Kenney and the creation of the National Lampoon, which is a far smarter and more entertaining film than you’d expect when you hear the words National Lampoon. Incredibly well done, borrowing a narrative style from its subject and playing with conventions with unabashed glee.

INBOX STATUS: 20 emails and probably growing as I type this. I’ve barely looked at my inbox this week, and really need to go clear it out.

WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO RIGHT NOW: Monday morning, which represents both the period where the emotional turmoil of Father’s Day is over and I can get back to writing fiction drafts.

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