Picking up the weekly Status Post thread this week, if only so I remind myself that I’m the kind of person who does this (I’ve been reading Atomic Habits this morning, and it’s affecting the way I think about things).

Sneaking this in quickly before we head South to visit family for the rest of the day, but adding in a new category for those who enjoy kitten-based hi-jinx on the internet.


Admiral Coco Marshmallow Flerkin-Wittingstall has been part of our household for nearly three weeks now, which is about the point that the shelter we adopted her from is willing to concede she’s become part of the family. I continue to be enchanted by some of the bizarre poses she adopts as she lazes around the flat.

On the other hand, she has just spent the morning hunting everything. Her felt mousey. The doorstop. My hands. My feet. My leg. The blanket. My phone. Goblins from beyond space and time.

CURRENT WRITING STATUS: Regrouping. Deaths in the family after an anxiety week mean my process has gone out the window, but I’ve been spending a good chunk of my time setting myself up to return to regular progress now that things are calming down.

CURRENT EARWORM: Helmet’s Milquetoast has been stuck in my head for the better part of a week, and I’ve routinely found myself putting the entire Betty album on for a spin as a result.

CURRENT READING: Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century: Essays on Novels, Children’s Books, Online Writings, Comics, and Other Works–a collection of academic papers on various aspects of Gaiman’s work. The early run-through of essays about American Gods has been fascinating, but it’s really picking up as I move into the essays about Gaiman’s kid’s books.

BEST SCREEN MEDIA OF THE WEEK: My partner and I have started picking up specific movies to watch on a Friday night, rather than cruising Netflix to see what’s there. It means there’s a bit more intent behind the films we’re watching, and we can catch up on stuff that we really wanted to see.

That said, this week we flicked through the films on sale and spotted Seventh Son–a film that scripted like it’s straight out of the heyday of 80s B-Movie fantasies, but embraces digital effects. It’s an odd film: weirdly paced with a fifteen minute prologue before introducing it’s actual protagonist; plagued by an all-too-short appearance by Kit Harrington, who is largely used poorly; Jeff Bridges playing a pompous demon-hunting knight, adopting a truly bizarre accent but committing to it 100%.

I’m obviously taking a very loose definition of “best screen media” this week, but Seventh Son is straight-up cheese blended with a D&D rules manual and a handful of great actors really committing to their scenery chewing. It’s not going to be everyone’s taste, but when we’re in the mood to make goofy D&D jokes the entire way through the film, it’s the perfect Friday night film for the Brain Jar Compound.

INBOX STATUS: 10 Emails. I had it down to one before I closed up shop yesterday, but everything came in overnight.

WHAT I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO RIGHT NOW: There’s some jerk chicken in our fridge, waiting to become dinner later this week. I’m totally there for that.

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