So, I am in a bunker at the moment, working on some things. One of them is this:

A photo posted by Peter M Ball (@petermball) on

Which is both a document where I can proof, flesh out, and generally fix up some old blog posts for the site, and a PD project for work after it was pointed out that we’re primarily recommending one method of creating ebooks and it might be handy to have a few other methods up our sleeve for people who aren’t a fan of the first.

Also a response to re-reading Die Empty, the follow-up to Todd Henry’s The Accidental Creative, and embracing his suggestion to focus on incremental accumulation of new skill-sets as part of your daily plan. Which means there is a definite trend, when I read Henry’s work: the first two reads are basically, this seems interesting, but disappointing, while the third or forth is the point where I’m like, wait, there’s an actual process here? And it’s incredibly smart? Motherfucker. 

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