I went to bed around 9:30 last night and got up around 9:30 this morning. Partially this was a response to getting up around 5 in the morning to take my sister to the airport*, partially its a response to my inability to sleep for longer than an hour at a time since I had the cyst cut out. Near as I can tell, the twelve hours I spent in bed equated to about seven hours of fitful sleep. The rest was all tossing and turning and getting out of bed to make sure that my nightmare I’d just had about the stitches pulling open and starting to bleed really were just nightmares.

Obviously, I am not a good patient. Me and bleeding have never been a good combination. And I really, really want to wash my hair.

Now I have to go and make up for lost writing time. There is stuff that needs doing, and I’ve been slack ever since Thursday.

*wish her luck – she’ll be walking the Kokoda Trail for the next ten days and I’m quietly expecting to get another story out of my parents growing concern.

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