David Tennant Does a Podcast is a constant source of unexpectedly good advice for artists, largely because its not a podcast attempting to deliver good advice–it’s just Tennant sitting down with a bunch of talented people and asking the questions he’d like to have answered.

There’s also an interesting pattern form–every season, the best episode in terms of creative advice always seems to come from an unexpected angle. For example, season one is awash with fantastic interviews with great actors like Tina Fey, John Hamm, Olivia Coleman, and Ian McKellan, but the episode I’m most likely to re-listen to for a creative boost is inevitably the one with James Corden talking about the lesson he learned from Tom Hanks.

In the current season, the best episode thus far is the interview with Cush Jumbo. The entire thing is worth it, but I honestly think the section where she talks about the dark periods of her acting life and the sheer lack of relief when you’re in the early hustling-for-work-and-always-broke phase of your career is something most artists should hear early on.

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